An Unexpected Library Encounter: “Poor Richard Dawkins, Bless His Heart”

One day, my husband and I decided to take our kids to the library in North Georgia. We had recently left our faith and felt a newfound curiosity to explore atheist literature. Eager to start our journey, I left my husband with the kids in the play area and ventured to the atheist section.

To my surprise, Richard Dawkins, a prominent atheist author, was shelved in the religious section. Having only read Christian books throughout my entire life, this discovery marked a significant shift. I excitedly grabbed “The God Delusion” and a book on Darwin’s evolution, bringing them back to share with my husband.

As we immersed ourselves in our newfound readings, an outspoken older lady walked in with her grandkids. Despite the library’s quiet ambiance, she spoke loudly, catching us off guard with her snarky remark: “Poor Richard Dawkins, Bless His heart… He has met his maker.”

Intrigued by the unexpected conversation starter, my husband responded calmly, asking what she meant by Dawkins meeting his maker. It turned out she believed Dawkins had passed away, expressing visible discomfort with our choice of reading material. We assured her he was still alive.

Undeterred, my husband suggested she read Dawkins’ book to understand his perspective, emphasizing the importance of exploring diverse viewpoints. However, the lady, adamant in her beliefs, insisted that the only book she reads is the Bible—the true word of God.

My husband kindly explained the significance of reading everything to make informed decisions about what is true. Despite his efforts, she remained closed-minded, uninterested in hearing Dawkins’ points. This encounter left us flabbergasted, as we realized it mirrored the closed-mindedness we once had before leaving our faith.

In the heart of the library, amidst books representing diverse perspectives, we reflected on the transformative power of an open mind. This unexpected encounter with Richard Dawkins became more than a simple library visit; it became a reminder of our own journey and the importance of embracing intellectual curiosity.

As we both laughed all the way home, we joked about how this was what we get for moving to the Bible Belt. It will forever be a funny memory and a good reminder of why we left the faith.

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